Friday, June 7, 2019



In the previous EPISODE XXXIV, LOVE IS THE INK; WISDOM IS THE MESSAGE, I attempted to deal with a compelling emotion, the emotions of love and loss of love.
All of us know and experience love in one form or another, it is what defines us human beings. The loss of love or its absence, is as powerful as the loss of the day is to the night. (Remember Erebus) I realize from the onset that this would be a difficult subject, in fact, it is a difficult subject for adults to comprehend and deal with satisfactorily, it is a universal issue. 

What I hoped to achieve amongst all of us is a discussion, which will bring both young and old to share the "common glue," which binds us all. None is so capable of guiding us on this journey as our guideposts to wisdom, whom I have spoken about in EPISODE XV - THE WISDOM OF ANDREW. Some of you, may have already found such guideposts to wisdom, in your mentors, your teachers, social workers, and grandparents, just to mention a few, Others, are still struggling with this need and have asked for guidance.

The most common way to find a guidepost is through your local family services organization. Being computer savvy, which I am sure you are, just do a search for this topic. Here you will find trained social workers offering many types of services from helping you with your homework to just lending a “listening ear.” These services are free, and all it takes is for you to get the courage to call and speak to the person. When you call, tell them Mr. Leousis, the Substitute Teacher advised you to call.

Another way for you to find your guidepost is to use your high school volunteering hours, to go into senior residences and help out. By keeping our elderly company, you will be rewarded a hundredfold for your community service and possibly come across an actual guidepost to wisdom.

Our libraries are filled with books, media, and all forms by which we tend to communicate and pass on knowledge. You might not realize this, but they are also places where you can come across many "Guideposts to wisdom." These may be elderly, retired or not, men and women whom you may approach and use as your guideposts to wisdom. You will sense their presence; you will overhear their thoughts if you listen. One way to break the ice might be to have them read this episode and ask what they think of it, they might offer to be your guide.

The Challenge:

I realize that it is no easy task to approach a stranger in the library, as I have suggested. Especially when you are told from early on, not to talk to strangers. In my previous advice to you, I cautioned you about some people who will exploit your innocence ( EPISODE XIV - THE AGE OF RAGE AND THE BUTTERFLY. Therefore, the challenge to you is to approach your local library, speak to the chief administrator about the idea of setting up a group of volunteers (guideposts) willing to engage in this service. Your library is looking for new ideas to get community involvement and may agree to work with you. The time spent organizing this might go towards your volunteer school program: This challenge will bring out the best of you, your leadership qualities, and organizational skills.  

One input you might be asked to provide might be a list of qualities, which you would look for in a guidepost to wisdom. Look at the photograph I have presented to you above and see if you can spot some qualities of this woman; the rest will follow. Remember, a guidepost to wisdom is a person of the Light. They will shine through and touch your heart as you exchange your feelings with them and listen and share. They will learn as much from you as you would from them, for they too, are on the same path towards the Elysium Fields, just a few steps ahead of you.

The Silent ones:

Sometimes, such guideposts to wisdom are just there, without you realizing it. Let me cite an example:

For some time now, my son has been attending basketball. He has had two coaches, both devoted individuals, who give their time and skill without question. People whose deeds and sacrifice need to be socially recognized by us all.

I have taken their service for granted thinking that my annual payment to his league, meant fee for their service. I was wrong. One of the coaches, Steve, has been volunteering his time without compensation. He does this volunteering out of the sheer goodness of his heart. To me, this is a "silent guidepost" to wisdom, one who is there for our youth and guides by example. Thank you, Steve.

By Elias Leousis,

(Η αγάπη είναι το μελάνι, η σοφία είναι το μήνυμα.)

Love is the ink; wisdom is the message!

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"May The Light shine bright on your journey of life."