Saturday, June 8, 2019



I was walking down Young Street one day, when a young Asian man, called out to me, "Sir, excuse me please, which way to The Subway?" I, too, was headed in the same direction, so I decided to accompany him. Curious, I asked where he was from, and he responded, he was from Korea, which only piqued my interest further. North or South, I questioned, with a teasing smile? "Both," he responded. Puzzled by his remark, I continued to investigate.

He went on to explain that he had escaped from North Korea when he was twelve years old and now lives in South Korea. He was a student and had come to Canada to improve his English, studying at the York Academy. His name was "Dōitsu no" (Doitsino). I mentioned to him the recent tragedy in his country of the sinking of the fairy and how moved I was. He bowed his head and said, "Yes, much pain." As we entered the subway before parting our ways, I told him that I wrote stories about young adolescents and how I tried to help them with difficult issues as they were growing up. He remarked that this was a noble act on my part, so he asked me for the address of my blog, I wrote it on a piece of paper:


He noted with interest that he would visit my blog. As he turned to leave, I extended my hand to shake his hand as is our Western custom; he bowed instead. Respectful of his culture, I bowed my head in turn.

Weeks later, I received this e-mail from young, Dōitsu no. ( I have reworked some of the sentences for clarity)

“Hello, Mr. Leousis, respectfully.

I have read all your stories and see that you are doing an excellent job guiding the youth. Perhaps if I add my account too, it will help the young. Please accept my gift to your audience.

My name is Dōitsu no, I was born in a village not far from Kuson. I lived with my family three children, my sister Ae Cha, and brother Hyun Ki. We had a good life, "normal", as with all around us. We worked hard in school, and my parents visited us almost every week. We lived on the school property some of the years and together when we could join our parents in the fields, to pick the crops. 

One day, two soldiers came to the field that we were working and asked that my brother and I go with them. They took us to this clinic, and they pricked one finger of my brother and me and took a little blood. I was very upset and did not know what to do. When they let us go out of the clinic, we ran and ran to the fields to share our fear with our parents. When we told my father what they had done, he bowed his head and just walked away. My mother started to cry, and she came over to hug us both. I could not understand why they were so very upset.

Two weeks later, a military truck drove near our home and taken me from my family. I could still see my parents, brother, and sister, running behind the truck screaming and crying for me to come back. I was driven to this hospital, put to sleep. After waking up in my bed in the hospital, I fainting and throwing up for a day or two. I was very weak. But soon enough, with good care, I was able to nurse myself to good health. 

When I was returned home, there were many questions but I had few answers until I pointed to the scar on my left side of my waste. My parents knew and understood. A few months later, I became very weak and started to see blood in my urine, I was developing an infection. It was only then at the clinic that I understood why the soldiers took me to the hospital. They had removed one of my kidneys, I was going to die!

My father begged the local magistrate to have me sent to China for treatment, and they refused. One night, I was taken on a truck and hidden. I must have been put to sleep with some drugs because I don't remember the journey. All I can remember was waking up on a ship. One day later, we landed on Busan. From there, I was taken to a hospital and well treated. I was adopted by a South Korean family and raised properly as their son. I have tried many times to reach my family in North Korea, but they have not been found.

Mr. Leousis, before reading your Episode, number XIV - YOUR IDENTITY, AND THE SHADOWS OF THE CAVE,  I was very angered of what had happened in my life. I lost my family, and my kidney and my world changed. I now tell my friends  I lived in Sparta, now I live in Athens, and they laugh with me. Your message is clear to me that I too can help change my world, and as you say, "my reality." I can choose to stay hateful about my past and push this hate to my future children or; I can choose to live in my present world and remember my journey as a wise person who looks to be in the Elysian Fields one day.

Please tell the young people my message of Dōitsu No, to appreciate the Athens, which they live today. To try to make it even better. To read your stories and become learned students and teachers. WE CAN CHANGE THE WORLD AND SPREAD THE LIGHT. We can give our gift freely when we want; it does not have to be taken from us. Please see this video, the Kiss that Mr. Leousis shows before in his story. 

Mr. Leousis, please show Sung-bong Choi. He was born in South Korea but very poor. He looked inside himself and found, The Light. Please enjoy my gift to you and your many young readers. North-South, we choose the world we want for our future.

Much respect to you Mr. Leousis,
Sincerely, Dōitsu No”

I am moved by the story of our good friend, Dōitsu no. I am sure there are immeasurable feats of heroism and many stories not yet told. This is what inspiration and wisdom are all about. Thank you Dōitsu No, for sharing with us.

You might want to follow the lyrics of Sung-bong Choi's beautiful song and sing your heart with him (Fair description of the Elysian Fields):

Nella Fantasia Lyrics by Sung-bong Choi


Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo giusto,
Li tutti vivono in pace e in onestà.
Lo sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere.
Come le nuvole che volano
pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.

Nella fantasia io vedo un mondo chiaro,
Li anche la notte è meno oscura.
Lo sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere.
Come le nuvole che volano pien' d'umanità.

Nella fantasia esiste un vento caldo,
Che soffia sulle città, come amico.
Lo sogno d'anime che sono sempre libere.
Come le nuvole che volano
pien' d'umanità in fondo all'anima.

[English translation:]

In my fantasy, I see a just world
Where everyone lives in peace and honesty
I dream of a place to live that is always free
Like a cloud that floats
Full of humanity in the depths of the soul

In my fantasy, I see a bright world
Where each night there is less darkness
I dream of souls that are always free
Like the cloud that floats

In my fantasy exists a warm wind
That breathes into the city, like a friend
I dream of souls that are always free
Like the cloud that floats

By Elias Leousis,
(Η αγάπη είναι το μελάνι, η σοφία είναι το μήνυμα.) 
Love is the ink; wisdom is the message!

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"May The Light shine bright on your journey of life."